Aging Process for Natural Wines

Natural wines, celebrated for their authentic and unadulterated expressions of terroir, also possess unique characteristics when it comes to aging. Unlike conventional wines, the aging process of natural wines is influenced by a minimal intervention philosophy, leading to a fascinating journey of flavor evolution. This article delves into the nuances of aging natural wines, offering insights into how these wines develop over time.

Fundamentals of Wine Aging

Basic Principles of Aging

The aging process in wine is complex, involving chemical reactions that can enhance flavor, aroma, and texture. Key factors influencing this process include:

  • Oxygen Exposure: Oxygen can either enhance or deteriorate the wine, depending on the stage and amount.
  • Temperature: Consistent and appropriate temperatures are crucial for optimal aging.
  • Light: Minimal light exposure is preferred to prevent unwanted reactions.
  • Humidity: Adequate humidity is necessary to keep corks in good condition.
  • Bottle Position: Bottles are typically stored horizontally to keep the cork moist.

Aging Process in Natural Wine

Natural wines age differently due to minimal intervention in both the vineyard and winery. This includes the use of natural yeasts and avoidance of additives, which can result in a more unpredictable but often more rewarding aging process.

Traditional vs. Modern Approaches

Comparison of Aging Methods





Minimal, relying on natural processes

Use of technology and additives for consistency

Flavor Profile

More complex and varied

More controlled and predictable

The choice of method greatly influences the final character of the wine.

Aging Containers: The Choices and Their Impact

Types and Influences

  • Oak Barrels: Impart subtle woody flavors and allow slight oxygenation.
  • Stainless Steel Tanks: Preserve the original fruit flavors without additional aromas.
  • Amphoras: Traditional clay containers that offer unique earthy tones.

Each container type offers a distinct path in the aging journey of natural wines.

Time Factor: How Long Should Natural Wine Age?

Optimal aging periods vary significantly across different types of natural wines. Here's a quick reference:

Wine Type

Recommended Aging Time

Light-bodied Reds

2-5 years

Full-bodied Reds

5-10 years or more

White Wines

2-7 years

These are general guidelines, and individual wines may vary.

Storing Natural Wine: Best Practices

Proper storage is key to successful aging of natural wines:

  • Temperature: Consistent, cool temperatures (around 55°F or 13°C).
  • Humidity: 60-70% to keep corks in good condition.
  • Light: Store in a dark place to prevent light-induced damage.
  • Orientation: Horizontal storage to keep the cork moist.

The Tasting Journey: Changes Over Time

Aging transforms the flavors and aromas of natural wines:

  • Young Wines: Fresh, vibrant fruit flavors with high acidity.
  • Aged Wines: Development of complex secondary flavors like earthiness or minerality.

The Art of Patience: Embracing the Slow Evolution

Aging natural wines is an art that requires patience. The slow evolution of these wines is part of their charm, often leading to a more complex and nuanced tasting experience.

The Timeless Beauty of Aged Natural Wines

In summary, the aging process for natural wines is a testament to the beauty of time and nature's hand in winemaking. As these wines age, they reveal layers of complexity and depth, offering a unique and enriching experience for wine enthusiasts. Embracing the aging journey of natural wines allows us to appreciate the subtle and profound changes that occur over time, deepening our connection to this remarkable craft.